ASL Stands for (Means) Age/Sex/Location. In online chatting sessions across various chatting platforms, ASL is used to inquire about someone's age, sex and location. A question mark is usually put after this term which indicates that you want the other

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24/7 24/7 Stands for (Means) Twenty-Four Hours a Day and Seven Days a Week In mobile texting, online chatting across social media and forums and even real-world conversations, 24/7 is used to express continuity of a service or state or round-the-clock

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XOXO XOXO Stands for (Means) Hugs and Kisses In mobile texting, online chatting, emails and posts across social media and forums, XOXO is used to show great love, affection, sincerity and faithfulness with someone. It is one of the common

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OIC OIC Stands for (Means) "Oh, I See!" In mobile texting or online chatting across social media and forums, OIC is used to express shock, wonder, realization of something new, understanding etc,It is a common element of text and chat

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ASAP Stands for (Means) As Soon As Possible. In mobile texting or online chatting across social media and forums, ASAP is used to express an urge to act or respond soon, or promptly, or without delay,.regarding something or someone. It is one

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WTF WTF Stands for (Means) What The Fuck. In mobile texting or online chatting across social media and forums, WTF is used to express shock, excitement, disbelief, resentment, dissatisfaction etc, at something or someone's comment or response. It is a common

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OMG OMG Stands for (Means) Oh My God. In mobile texting or online chatting across social media and forums, OMG is used to express shock, excitement, disbelief, etc, at someone's comment or response. It is one of the common elements

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